The Awakening

Have you ever felt as though you have suddenly woken up to the world around you? As though, all the things that made you different from your family and friends and made you feel like the odd one out, suddenly makes you feel special and helps you understand the world around you on a much different level. This is where I have been the last several months, I have always felt at home, I guess is the way to express it, with nature and all her glory, and apart of me has always felt as though the moon was a mother watching over me, to keep me at night and the sun was a father strong and nurturing that they were the ying and yang, if you will, of life on a level that can be both enlightening and difficult to explain.

There is a strong sense of power and joy I obtain from Thunderstorms and a calmness and joyful quite I receive from snow storms and I am my happiest when I am caring for my herbs or outside in my bare feet on the ground shoes are a nuisance that I tolerate at best during the spring, summer and fall and are something I can't wait to get out of in the winter. I love the sound and smells of the ocean it brings a sense of calm and peace unlike any other and often where I feel my most creative. I am fortunate to live in a state where the seasons change in every sense from colors, and temperatures to smell and length of light and dark, and for the most part I can embrace it with little compliant.  

It is my firm belief that all life is precious from the smallest of creatures to human life it is precious because it is here and deserves to be treated as such. This includes the spiders that dwell in my home, from the kitchen spider, to the bathroom spider, they are welcome to stay as long as they leave the humans and other larger animals alone. I love the sound of the birds outside on a sunny day and the ever happy bird that lives in my home. It brings a sense of joy that is not easily explained.

These are things I have always felt and believed to be true, and until recently I had never put a name or label to them, I have just always known that mint helps a stomach and lavender helps achy muscles that the smell of sage alone can clear the mind and heighten senses.  That honoring the growth of crops and celebrating the changes of seasons is important and should be done, regardless of what is said. And, that many years ago when my great grandmother said to my grandmother of me, she has the gift like your grandmother did, I understood I was special in a way that could not be easily defined but that I would always understand. I have a sense of the world around me that is different from most, yet never have I labeled it because I didn't know their was such a label, my understanding of what being a Witch was had been based solely on the mainstream presentation of what a witch was.

Than suddenly that feeling, sense of understanding that I had always had became stronger and clearer in a way that I can not explain, or even fully understand, and it lead me to search for others like me who could understand, who would know what I meant when I said harming others means you shall pay a price far greater. I found that all these things that made me odd to others that I knew I could not say or express to most, were accepted and shared by many others, who had the gift. I found that the name of my understanding is Wicca and that I am a witch, and as I continue on my journey of growth and understanding I feel humbled by the experience and understanding, it is a path full of oh I get it know and one with even more questions but along the way I feel as though what I was looking for on some spiritual level, has finally found its home in embracing what I always understood and valued.  It is and has been an awakening of epic proportions.


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